Empirical Literature Studies
Article: ‘Theory of Mind in Fiction vs Non-Fiction Reading. A Test on ToM Measurement Tools in the Literary Field’ / ‘La Theory of Mind durante la lettura di testi finzionali e fattuali. Un test sugli strumenti di misurazione della TOM in ambito letterario’, Nodes: Journal of Art and Neuroscience 21–22 (2023): 33–45, authors Gabriele Vezzani et al., doi.org/10.57633/NODES-21/4-ITA
Other Forthcoming Publications
George Orwell and Communist Poland: Émigré, Official and Clandestine Receptions (Routledge, forthcoming 2024)
Book chapter: ‘John Rodden’s Contribution to Orwell Studies’, in Routledge Companion to George Orwell, ed. by Richard Lance Keeble and Tim Crook (Routledge, 2024)